
About the Brand

Hi, I’m Violet Willis. I started the verywelloil.com website because I truly believe deeply in the power of plants to heal and enhance people’s lives. After years of experimentation and research, I founded the VERYWELL OIL, with the goal of sharing my passion and knowledge of essential oils with a wider audience.
I am committed to providing my customers with only the highest quality and most effective products. Castor oil is the hero series of my brand, and it’s easy to see why. Castor oil has been used for centuries for its remarkable abilities to protect and nurture the liver, which is one of the most important organs in our body. I have personally experienced the benefits, and my passion for sharing its powers with others led me to establish the Verywell Oil brand.
I want to help people experience the benefits of essential oils and build the Verywell Oil brand as a reliable source for natural remedies and wellness products through providing high-quality products. This is just the beginning. I have designed the website with a violet color scheme, and I am more dedicated than ever to sharing the power of plants with you. Let us all experience their incredible benefits together!

a female wear a castor oil pack wrap by verywelloil